The knowledge of symptoms that might suggest infection of the human body, the parasites, allows you to start the treatment in a timely manner, till they came to the total of poisoning, and the terrible consequences in the form of irreversible obstruction of the organs of digestion, respiration, hematopoiesis. Each year, invasions, parasitic in the world of form invisible to the statistics silently goes to another world more than 1 ml of the person. Today the health of a person depends on their own activity. If there are signs of intoxication for some strange cause, insist on the modern methods of diagnosis of the presence of parasites and immediately the treatment.

How to identify parasites in the human body, if today the analysis of the cove is no longer considered essential to the investigation, even before the hospitalization in the department of allergy! Only by their symptoms, based on the infection of another organ of the body and of the total foodborne illness: suddenly arise the vomiting, the diarrhea, the manifestations of urticaria, rhinitis, as well as a sudden cutting pains in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the head. The influence of the parasites in the body depends on their habitat and much more. Some cause dangerous disease and can cause death, others slowly deteriorate the quality of life, poisoning the body, taking the strength and the health. Urgently to a doctor, as the delay in treatment dangerous serious complications: meningitis, sepsis, peritonitis, bowel, nervous system.
What are the parasites?
A parasite is an organism that lives entirely at the expense of the other, larger, body. By the place of location are ectoparasites that live on the outer man, and endoparasites susceptible to contaminate its interior. The composition of species of parasites, which may be viruses, bacteria, worms, insects, and even vertebrates. The parasites can not be considered as something unnatural. On the contrary, until the scientists do not realize what it is, and where they come from, people have been exposed constantly, which is one of the causes of low life expectancy 1 – 2 a century ago. In fact, many of the parasites lethal, and in some cases, life-saving can only be qualified medical intervention. In others, the disease can last decades, as well as parasites cleverly disguised as other diseases, a cure that cannot be until it is resolved your real reason.
What are are are the parasites can live in the man
The people far from medicine, parasites that inhabit the body of a person exclusively to all types of worms. Meanwhile, there are more than 300 species infecting micro-and macro-organisms, they steal the cells from nutrients, which destroy the integrity of the wall of blood vessels, lymph vessels, and organs that poison the blood. And many of your types calm, and hosted live side by side with the participation habitat. Do not bother each other devour the flesh and blood of the person, exponentially increasing your painful state of health. Therefore, to identify the worms you should always carry out tests of the presence of pathogens protozoan microorganisms.
What endogenous "predators" of the human parasites are the most dangerous:
- Amoeba: dizenterina, escherichia coli, Nigeria, acanthameba.
- Trichomonas: escherichia coli, vaginal.
- Giardia.
- Trypanosoma: The Cross, The Rhodesian, The Gambia.
- Leishmania: donovani, the tropics.
- ʙalantidij.
- Toxoplasma.
- Periplasmic.
- Plasmodium of malaria.
- Babesia.
- Ichthyophthirius.
- The trematodes: liver, lung, chinese, cat, lanceolate.
- Fasciolopsis.
- Fluke egipetskaya.
- Metagonimus.
- Shistosoma (blood flukes).
- Lentetsy large.
- Tsepni: swine, dog food (rarely).
- Dwarf, pig, ox, asia, the brain.
- Had.
- The air sacs.
- Ascaride.
- Ostritsy.
- Toxocara (dog).
- Vlasoglavy.
- Ugritsy intestinal.
- The hookworm.
- The Worms Rishta.
- Trichinella.
- Brugia, Wuchereria.Loa Loa.
- Onchocerca.
- Angiostrongylus.

This is a small part of the list of parasites that inhabit the globe, threatening diseases of the brain, the organs of digestion, the circulation of the blood, the defeats of the nervous, hormonal, reproductive health, of all other systems of the body.
The routes of transmission of
Vectors of a multitude of parasites (and intermediate owners) are turned into birds, rodents, flies, horseflies, mosquitoes. The domestic and wild animals and fish. The main source of invasions parasitic is the sick person, with the secretions of the parasites disperse in the soil, water, waters, air space.
How occurs the transfer:
- Digestive of the way (through the digestive tract, you can get parasites from contaminated water, food, ignoring the business of environmental sanitation of the processing rules. And if you do not wash vegetables from the garden, a SIP of water to swim in the creek. Eat half-baked shish kebab, the land of river fish (since it enters in the body of many of the intestinal protozoan and helminths).
- Violence in the home contact can become infected if it is not enough to wash their hands frequently. Through money, handrails in the institutions, support bars in the transport, toys, items for the home. Or through handshakes, kissing with an infected person. After the contacts with the animal health (the path to the application of almost all of the parasites).
- Vector-borne (through the blood) method of pathogens of larvae and parasites enter the body after the bite of the fly, the mosquito, tick, birds, animals.
- Percutaneous through the infection occurs by implantation of the larvae of the parasites in the tissues of the mucous membranes and through the skin (anistropy, Sistemi).
- Aerogenic infection occurs by inhalation of eggs of parasites (for example, the equinococo).
- Transplacental way prenatal transmission of parasites baby (nematodes, Toxoplasma).
- Through sexual contact is transmitted by Trypanosoma, trichomonas.
- Transfusiona transfer operations at the hospital through the bad processed tools.
One of the main factors that contribute to increase the growth of zarahemla people of parasites, they are: staff of the lack of hygiene, mass consumption badly treated food and water, later, the resource to physicians, the lack of an adequate medical evaluation.
The symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body
Distinguish the common symptoms of the infection and specific, according to the place of location of the pathogenic micro and macro organisms. The parasites are:
- Additional (affect cells). For example, Toxoplasmay, Leishmania, Plasmodium.
- Abdominal: live in the cavities of the intestine, lungs, urinary, and other organs. Tsepni, ostritsy, hookworm, ascaride, lentetsy, vlasoglav.
- Filters: they live in the lymph of the blood (haemosporida, microfilariae, Trypanosoma). In the muscles are striated (trichina, sporidia). In the tissues of the brain (Toxoplasmay, the larvae of the tape worms, Trypanosoma), and the fibres of the nerves.
All this classification is artificial, since many parasites are on the constant move, migrating to different organs and tissues. General of the manifestation of the invasions are the following:

- dyspeptic of the violation: diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, constipation, pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
- allergic manifestations: rhinitis, urticaria;
- pain in the muscles, in the area of the joints;
- the appearance of papillomas, condylomata, lipogranulomas, fibrous neoplasms;
- thinning, or weight gain;
- nervous disorders: the excitation (or lethargy), irritability (apathy), insomnia;
- bruxism (during sleep involuntary rasps tablets of the teeth);
- the decrease of the immunity, manifested fast the diseases of cold.
Parasites are also pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungi that cause infectious diseases. When the infection observed signs: fever, sore throat, headache, stomach ache, runny usefulness, coughing, sneezing, and other.
How to determine the presence of parasites
The defeat of the party or of any other authority and fabrics dominate distinctive signs.
In the intestine
It is the best place for the means of life of the parasites: humidity is high, the temperature hot, PH-neutral environment. The symptoms of the defeat of the intestine:
- constipation;
- diarrhea;
- flatulence;
- the obstruction of the intestine;
- pain spastic type, pains in the stomach;
- the decrease of the mass of the body;
- vomiting;
- nervousness;
- the absence (or increase) of appetite.
The person has a weakness, the fatigue, the lack of desire to move.
In the stomach
When the parasitic infestation is observed the following characteristics:
- nausea;
- belching;
- drooling;
- the severity and the outbreak of the stomach;
- diarrhea;
- bleeding in the stools;
- itching in the area of channel as defined by the earthworms;
- the cough due to irritation of neuroreceptors in the stomach.
When intestinal price is possible the separation of sputum with the factions of the blood.
In the liver

- pain in the area of the right hypochondrium;
- belching;
- nausea;
- allergic urticaria;
- yellowing of the sclera, the buccal mucosa and the skin;
- the fall of the hair bulbs;
- the weakness;
- irritability;
- anemia.
It is observed expressed the swelling of the legs, the belly.
In the blood
Distinctive characteristics of the symptoms:
- fever;
- the seal, increased sensitivity of the lymph nodes;
- rash all over the body;
- dizziness, headache;
- thirst;
- lethargy, drowsiness;
- shortness of breath;
- violation of the circulation of the blood, expressed in numbness and decreased temperature of the extremities.
Necessarily develops anemia, as many parasites destroy red blood cells.
The defeat of heart
There are always signs of pulmonary and heart failure.
- cough;
- shortness of breath;
- the nervousness, the fear;
- the weakness;
- pain in the chest;
- arrhythmia, bradycardia;
- temperature, fever, alternating with chills;
- differences in HELL;
- sweating;
- the paleness of the face, neck;
- anemia.
Signs of hypoxia: cyanosis of the skin of the fingertips, the triangle of nasolabial folds and the mucous membranes of the mouth.
In the lungs
Characteristic symptoms:
- shortness of breath;
- difficulty breathing;
- the attacks of dry cough, night;
- asthmatic bronchospasm;
- allergic rhinitis, sneezing;
- pain in the chest;
- rapid pulse;
- nausea.

It is possible the separation of poor foam sputum with blood cells.
Under the skin
External symptoms:
- itching small red rash, large swollen bumps on the skin epidermis;
- ulceration, abscesses, warts, eczema;
- fever;
- night sweats;
- dense mobile carranza areas under the skin.
- anemia.
Often develops allergic, cough, runny nose.
In the eyes
Distinctive characteristics of the symptoms:
- inflammation of the conjunctiva, accompanied by burning and itching;
- the pain in the eyes and pain when moving the eyes to one side, up;
- flying to the point of view, muddy the brooks in front of the eyes;
- the dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
- clear vision of objects, splitting;
- headaches, dizziness;
- the swelling of the eyelids;
- the blue color of the eyes.
Characteristics of the worm of the invasion of the
Worm invasions are considered a group of diseases cause of which are parasites of different types. Penetrating into the body intentionally or at random, several helminths destroy the bodies in which they live and migrate. In consequence, arise from the illness, called parasitic.
The worms have hooks, suction cups, with the help of them strengthen in the chosen place. These hitches cause injuries and hemorrhages in the mucous membranes. The larvae migrate to the tissues of the body, passed to other authorities, occupy a comfortable place. Can reach any organ and to select for his life. This results in the transition of worms from the intestines, in which at the beginning is the most infectious agents of the blood vessels in the liver, the lungs, the brain, the heart. Let's see, what is the effect of the parasites in the body, what symptoms cause beyond the presence in man.
The syndrome of a bypass, and intestinal discomfort
Many helminths permanent place of habitat in the body choose the different departments of the digestive tract. When you violate their natural functions. Between dangerous signs of worms:
- bloating and flatulence;
- the constant of the gravity and pain in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract;
- periodic colic;
- the spots on the masses fecal.
Irritable bowel syndrome – frequent satellite of the presence of helminths.
The stagnation of bile

The overlap of the bile ducts large parasites inhibits their result and can be a cause of mechanical jaundice. These cases often require surgical treatment.
Constipation and diarrhea
The violation of the chair are a symptom of the worm invasion. Strong diarrhea alternating with constipation, that are not related to the consumption of spoiled food or bad food. The repainting of the plots of the intestine accumulations of parasites mechanical occur constipation. Help: specific allocation of some helminths, interrupting the metabolism of sodium and chloride, which leads to diarrhea.
The means of life of the parasites can cause alterations of the intestinal flora. However, often the signs of disbakterioza relationship with the imaginary, to cure the state of reception of traditional probiotics is impossible.
The decrease of the immunity
Taking the support of the greater part of the nutrients, helminths violate the protective functions of the immune system. That weaken the body, because of this, man becomes easy prey to the infectious diseases of respiratory, intestinal, weaken osteo-the muscular system, reduces the work of the heart and other organs.
The appearance of pain in muscles and joints
While in the muscle tissues, parasites are capable of producing pain, and pain in the joints and surrounding tissues. Often observed swelling and signs of arthritis. In response to the presence of helminths in the body to produce autoimmune antibodies that cause the destruction of healthy tissues.
The fluctuations of the mass of the body
The presence of parasites can cause weight loss due to the lack of power for the normal functioning of the body. Often the person is observed in the growth of the body mass, as many feel the hunger and try to compensate for lost nutrients. Permanent oscillations of weight – the companion of infection by parasites.
As a result of the presence of helminths develops anemia, the lack of hemoglobin in the blood. This is carried not only to the loss of blood from the damage of the mucosa suction cups of helminths, but also of the violation of the synthesis of substances involved in hematopoiesis. The ulceration of the mucosa does not allow you to assimilate the nutrients necessary for the normal synthesis of red blood cells and other blood elements.
The signs of lack of vitamins are developed in the body of the infected. The violation of work gi and do not allow to fully absorb and, in addition, the greater part is going to be the food of worms.
Sleep disorders and nervousness
Strange the presence in the body of the violation of all natural processes. Toxins that poison, influence the state of psycho-emotional. Because of intoxication disturbs the functioning of the nervous system, the brain, the man is restless, is constantly in the peloton", the emotion changes apathy.
Chronic fatigue
The syndrome of constant fatigue is the consequence of the intoxication of the organism. The middle falls the ability to work, interest in life, even during daylight hours it is difficult to meet and carry out the work. The cognitive ability to fall especially hard this is reflected in the child's growth and the body.
The cancer
In general, the weakening of the body and damage to specific organs may cause the development of a cancer. The loss of immunity of intoxication by dangerous substances, ovaries, worms, continuous tension of the nervous system may be the cause of the development of tumors.
The differences in the characteristics of children and adults
The main signs of development worm invasion in the body are the same for people of any age. The children there are some features that define underdevelopment of the immune system and make the infection more dangerous than that of adults. Children are more vulnerable to infection by the worms. This occurs for the following reasons:
- The weakness and imperfection of the immune system;
- The lack developed of the hygiene;
- More frequent and reckless is the contact with the animals of the earth (especially dangerous game in the sand box), peer group.

Children tend to be the worms, the Ascaris, Toxocara. In the development of the helminths observed additional symptoms that are not available in the adult:
- More severe allergic reactions and symptoms of intoxication of the organism. Early detection of parasites is often not can. Often develops contact dermatitis contact atopic.
- Systemic, which develops very quickly. The first signs of infringement of the ediacarense child should arrange the verification of the presence of parasites.
- The slowdown in growth. Adult, the person loses weight, and the child fails to grow normally.
- Lethargy or increased excitability, frequent tantrums, and tears.
- The delay psycho-emotional and cognitive development. The child is worse in school, begins to get to the local town lagging behind that of their peers, not just growth, but also in the development. This is especially evident in young children.
Diagnose and cure any infection of parasites in children is necessary in the shortest possible time, so that the child is developing normally, and departed not from their peers.
Allergic reactions
During the life of the helminths secrete substances that poison the body and give rise to a variety of allergic reactions. Especially a large amount of toxins is assigned at the time of the change of the parasites. Exotic invasive of the substance are interpreted by the immune system, as dangerous to the body and cause the production of immunoglobulin E, which is a symptom of allergy. Eruptions have a different character, difficult-to-treat. To get rid of them without the destruction of helminths in the body is impossible. The allergy may have the character of a dry cough, breathing difficulties.
Skin problems, acne
Taking the body has the nutrients, the parasites causing the lack of vitamins, microelements. This leads to contact dermatitis by contact, the lack of hydration of the epidermis. It also disturbs the work of the sebaceous glands in the body, as a result of the which appears acne, boils. Often, the deterioration of the skin is the signs of the presence of helminths.
And even in a scourge for human beings are considered to be the bugs bed: they lead parasitic life style, are set close to the person and feed on their blood. The bites of bed bugs may appear painful irritation and itching. Parasitism is hidden under thousands of diseases, therefore, to visually identify, without laboratory studies do not. The healing period depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis and the detection of the parasite in its earliest stage of the infection.
The treatment of the
Do not take medicines without your doctor's permission. All of the drugs used for the destruction of the protozoa helminth parasites are toxic, not only for themselves, but for the liver of the person.
The treatment of deworming
The drugs selected preference causes the drugs of broad spectrum. Drugs of broad-spectrum action, with action deprived of helminths of the capacity of absorption of the nutritive elements, the destroyed cells. Destroy ascaride, ostritsy, the larvae of tapeworms, other parasites. Are used for the treatment of taeniasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, living with roundworms. As well as trihozefaleza and echinoccosis, get rid of the nematodes, the roundworms, whipworm, Ascaris, Toxoplasma, necator. The doctor will collect medications according to two criteria of security for the people: drugs that prevent the parasites of the ability of food and the metabolism – less harmful to the liver. And drugs paralyzing worms, are more toxic act in the man. Self-treatment pharmaceuticals until the well will not lead.
Popular recipes
For the children, the women, infants, babies and pregnant women, the elderly more safely with the excretion of many parasites popular antiparasitic media:

- Pear juice with the pulp of fresh fruits and vegetables, carrot juice is recommended for the treatment of children. Drink 50 ml on an empty stomach, one hour before the meal of the week, 10 days.
- The pumpkin seeds. Chewing the raw seeds need to on an empty stomach, along with the thin green skin (you know, it's different powerful of the de-worming properties). Daily serving of 250 to 400 g of seeds, after which through a couple of hours it is necessary to take the pill of laxative. The treatment period of 3 to 5 days.
- The infusion of soil fresh from the bark of the pomegranate. The mass of the shell 1 by the by the fetal pour boiling water (250 ml), insist in a thermos for 1.5 hours. Filter. Dosage on an empty stomach to drink every 4 hours before you go to sleep – laxative.
- The decoction of the bark of krushina. In 300 ml of water 3 teaspoons minced raw materials. Simmer for 15 minutes, stand for 2 hours, to filter. The rate per day: from 30 ml to 5 times.
- An infusion with the flowers of a tansy and wormwood. In 500 ml of water, take 3 teaspoons of the mixture of the powders dried inflorescences (or fresh mass). Boil 5 minutes, to insist before cooling. Use. You should accept not more than 50 ml at a time, in the morning, at lunch, in the evening, on an empty stomach, for 5 days.
- Home of the triad. The collected dry dust of equal parts of wormwood, spices in the yolk of the carnations and the wild tansy used for 1 teaspoon of it 4 times in fasting during the day, carefully as he ate it, washed down with clean water.
- The garlic. To cleanse the body of parasites it is necessary every day from the morning and evening on an empty stomach to eat without salt and bread 2 – 4 cloves throughout the week.
- The old wormer the miracle of recipe: eating at the exit of the salt, the herring and the larger onion. Until the evening nothing to eat and drink, you can't. Helminths at sunset to bulk up in the intestine and the stool to the outside.
- Castor oil + cognac. The only effective to for of the recipe of the soviet past: mix a cocktail of ingredients 50:50, to drink of a drink instead of dinner. Hours until 3 in the night will come the worms. If not all, repeat the treatment a couple of nights.
The parasites do not tolerate the red pepper, sorrel, therefore, it is necessary to include in the diet as often as possible. This and the treatment and prevention. In addition, during the treatment, should be excluded from the daily menu, sweet, fatty meal. As well as the oil, milk, butter products, pickles and sausages.
Prevention measures
Today, virtually all of the parasites imported from foreign countries. When you travel to tropical countries, be sure to consult with the physician in the selection of antiseptics. To prevent the infection of the parasites, they must comply with the rules of hygiene:
- Always wash your hands.
- To clarify the vegetables, the fruits of boiling water.
- Do not eat half-baked food: stroganinu, dishes of meat with the blood.
- Avoid the purchase of products and dishes prepared with trays of kiosks and tents.
- Do not swim in ponds, lakes, streams.
- Do not walk barefoot on the grass and contaminated the sand.
- Do not drink the water of the natural sources of running water.
- Do not allow children outside to pet the animals and come in contact with people of the marginal type.
The parasites standing the neighbors and the colleagues of the person. Often prevent infection not can. At the first signs of discomfort of the body, it is necessary to contact a professional for assistance. The early identification of the infection by parasites will help to prevent the serious defeat of the organs. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones!